ABOUT US ABOUT US OUR SERVICES Consultancy Market Entry Research Investment Contribution in Management INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO PRIVACY Fleksnet Investment is a Privite Equity, focuses on small and mid size start up and project investments. Fleksnet Investment is an privite equity, established to invest in start-up projects , create partnership and Joint Ventures with releted businesses. We focus on small and mid size projects and partnerships who may create quick ROI. Fleksnet Investment, with its experienced and visionary staff, supports healthy growth of its business and projects. We contribute into management of our investments and secure our businesses. Fleksnet Girişim is committed to creating synergy among its projects. It incorporates business network into their projects and creates strong cooperation and partnerships. We also execute consultancy services on ; investment, market entry, business development, Supply Chain and logistics topics. Research Market Entry Investment Contribution in Management Consultancy
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